About us
Project Lead
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Schwab | Centre for Teacher Education and Department of Education, University of Vienna
Contact: susanne.schwab@univie.ac.at
Co-Project Lead
Dr. Sepideh Hassani | Department of Education, University of Vienna
Contact: sepideh.hassani@univie.ac.at
Project Team
Prof. Dr. Marie Gitschthaler | Post-doc researcher at the Department of Initial Teacher Education Vienna, University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches Vienna/Krems
Fatima Kandil | Scientific Project Staff at the Department of Education, University of Vienna
Adrijana Novaković, MSc | Project administration at the Department of Education, University of Vienna
Antonia Peter, BEd MEd | Scientific Project Staff at the Department of Education, University of Vienna
Dr. Flora Woltran | Post-doc researcher at the Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna
Project Partners
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Brigitta Busch | University of Vienna
Contact: brigitta.busch@univie.ac.at
Prof. Dr. Andrea Ender | University of Salzburg
Contact: andrea.ender@sbg.ac.at
Dr. Habib Güneşli | University of Paderborn
Contact: habib.guenesli@uni-paderborn.de
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marko Lüftenegger | University of Vienna
Contact: marko.lueftenegger@univie.ac.at
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Michelle Proyer | University of Vienna
Contact: michelle.proyer@univie.ac.at
Former Project Members
Dr. Elizabeth Erling, BA MSc | Post-doc researcher at the Department of Education, University of Vienna
Katharina Jakob, BEd MEd | Prae-doc researcher at the Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna
Diana Latzko, BA MA | Prae-doc researcher at the Department of Education, University of Vienna
Nazime Öztürk, BA MA | Prae-doc researcher at the Department of Education, University of Vienna
Dr. Katharina Resch, MSc | Post-doc researcher at the Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna
Sabrina Podlaha, BA BA | Project administration at the Department of Education, University of Vienna
Büsra Yildirim | Student assistant at the Department of Education, University of Vienna
Kathrin Zupan, BA MA | Prae-doc researcher at the Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna