A multiperspective study on German language support classes

In Austria, the language support model of German language support classes (GLSC) was introduced in the 2018/19 school year. The model provides separate schooling for children with so-called insufficient German skills in German language support classes (15-20 hours per week) or German language support courses (6 hours per week). The introduction of German language support classes has been widely criticised as this model contradicts evidence-based findings on the promotion of language development, fosters social exclusion and is difficult to organise within schools. Furthermore, the German language support classes were implemented without a pilot phase and without an evaluation of their effectiveness.

A multiperspective study on German language support classes is the first large-scale research project to examine German language support classes in Austria and thus addresses a politically and socially relevant issue.


As part of the study, the spin-off project „Neu in Wien – Eine Studie zu den Chancen und Herausforderungen der schulischen Eingliederung ukrainischer Kinder und Jugendlicher“ is currently being carried out. In the course of the project, interviews are conducted with school administrators and teachers. The interviewed teachers are working in classes which are attended (among others) by students who have fled from Ukraine. See more information on the project website: Neu in Wien (univie.ac.at)



More information about the German language support model:

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research: German language support classes and pull-out courses in Austria


German language support in Austrian Schools. Guideline for principals (PDF)