The Project

A multiperspective study on German language support classes is a research project of the Department of Education in cooperation with the Vienna School Board, the University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches Vienna/Krems and the University of Salzburg and is funded by the FWF.

Research institution: University of Vienna, Department of Education
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
Funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Grant number P 35113 stand-alone project

The study explores the academic, social, emotional and linguistic development of students in different school settings (German language support classes, German language support courses and the mainstream classroom).

Research questions

The aim is to answer the following research questions:

How do students with German as an additional language develop socially, emotionally, linguistically and academically within a school year in different school settings (German language support classes, German language support courses and the mainstream classroom).

  • Sub-research question 1: What are the differences (if any) between students in German language support classes and mainstream classrooms with regard to social integration, school well-being, language and academic self-concept?
  • Sub-research question 2: How can the (didactic) implementation of the German language support classes and German language support courses be described from the perspective of the teachers and the students?


Based on the research on social and emotional development of students in integrative and segregative school settings, the following three hypotheses about German language support classes and pull-out courses are examined:

H1 Students in segregated German language support classes/pull-out courses have a lower academic self-concept compared to students with a migration biography in mainstream classes.
H2 Students in segregated German language support classes/pull-out courses develop a reduced sense of social inclusion compared to students with a migration biography in mainstream classes.
H3 Students in segregated German language support classes/pull-out courses have a reduced sense of emotional wellbeing compared to students with a migration biography in mainstream classes.