Research design

The aim of the research project is to conduct a longitudinal study in primary schools in Vienna. The survey will take place during the 2022/23 and 2023/24 school years.

Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, the research explores how students do socially, emotionally, linguistically and academically develop in different school settings (German language support classes, German language support courses and main classes.

The sample consists of students, teachers and principals in primary schools and schools from secondary level with German language support classes in Vienna. Students of German support classes and pull-out courses will be included, as well as students from the main classes who do not attend German support classes or pull-out courses.

Quantitative methods

  • Use of specially developed questionnaires in the main class with all students (e.g. use of the Perception of Inclusion Questionnaire - PIQ)
  • Use of specially developed questionnaires for teachers of mainstream classes and of German language support classes
  • Testing the research instruments during a pilot phase with the target group and adapting for appropriate use if necessary

Qualitative methods

  • Conducting guided (native-language) interviews with students (German language support class and mainstream class)
  • Use of Language Portraits
  • Conducting guided interviews with teachers and principals
  • Use of the photovoice method, which is intended to provide insights into the everyday use of language skills of students in German language support classes

 Survey phases

Data collection 1: 2022/23 school year
When? What?
June - December 2022 Interviews with teachers and principals; Photovoice;
November - January 2023 Schort questionnaires for teachers about the students
November - December 2022 Interviews with students (primary school, wave 1)
April 2023 Photovoice with students
May 2023 Questionnaires for students (3rd grade and 4th grade)
May 2023 Online survey (teachers and principals)
June - October 2023 Interviews with parents

Data collection 2: 2023/24 school year
When? What?
August - November 2023 Interviews with stakeholders (throughout Austria)
October 2023 Interviews with students (primary school, wave 2)
November - December 2023 Classroom observations
May - June 2024 Interviews with students (secondary school)